Deep Learning Training In Hyderabad
Datajango Provides end to end Deep Learning Course with 100% Industry Ready code examples in Hyderabad. The course we will cover all necessary concepts to make a successful Data Scientist. The concepts we cover are Deep Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing& Information Retrieval with Gensim, SpaCy and NLTK, Recurrent Neural Networks for Text Analytics.
Course |
Location |
Mode of Class |
Duration |
Deep learning & NLP |
Hyderabad |
Class-Room/Online |
3 Months |
Deep Learning, Tensorflow, and DNN Course Syllabus
Section – I (Deep Neural Networks) – 20 hours
- Introduction to Neural Networks
- Linear Regression Gradient Descent (Batch, Stochastic and Mini-Batch)
- Logistic/Sigmoid neuron
- Forward propagation
- Back Propagation
- Neural Network Architecture
- Layers of a Deep Neural Network
- Back Propagation
- Activation Functions (Sigmoid, Tanh, ReLU, Leaky ReLU, Softmax)
- Introduction to TensorFlow
- Construction Phase
- tf.Variable
- tf.constant
- tf.placeholder
- Tensor reshape, slice, typecast
- Variable collections – Global, Local, Trainable
- Initializing Variables
- Execution Phase
- Linear Regression with TensorFlow
Use Case: Build a handwritten digit recognition model with TensorFlow
- Regularizing Deep Neural Networks
- l1, l2 regularization
- Dropout regularization
- Vanishing & Exploding Gradients
- Weight initializations (He/Xavier initialization)
- Algorithm Optimizers
- Momentum – Exponentially weighted moving average
- Gradient Descent with Momentum
- Gradient Descent with RMSProp (Root Mean Squared Propagation)
- Gradient Descent with ADAM (Adaptive Momentum Estimation)
- Batch Normalization
Convolutional Neural Networks – Computer Vision
Section – II (Convolutional Neural Networks) – 15 hours
- Introduction to CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks), Computer Vision
- Convolution and Edge detection
- Padding, Striding Convolutions
- Convolution Neural Network
- Edge Detection
- Padding
- Stride
- Pooling
- ResNets (CNN build with Residual Block)
- Inception Network (filter size, pooling, stride all combined layer)
- Data Augmentation
- Transfer Learning
- Computer Vision
- Object Location
- Intersection over Union
- Anchor Boxes
- Normax Suppression
- YOLO Algorithm
- Object Detection
- Face Verification
Natural Language Processing, IR and Text Analytics
Section – III (Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval with Gensim, SpaCy, and NLTK)– 20 hours
- Text Processing with Python (Regular Expressions)
- Introduction to NLP – NLTK, Stanford Core NLP
- Text Normalization
- Tokenization
- Case folding
- Synonyms, Homonyms
- Spelling mistakes
- Stop words
- Stemming
- Lemmatization
- What is Text Corpus?
- Understanding different corpora in NLTK
- Basic Sentiment Analysis Model (IMDB dataset)
- Basic feature extraction using CountVectorizer
- Build Sentiment Classifier
- Information Retrieval (IR)
- Term-Document incidence matrix
- Inverted Index
- Handling Phrase Queries (IR)
- Biword index
- Positional index
- Spelling Correction
- SoundX algorithm
- Isolated words
- Edit Distance
- Weighted edit distance
- N-Gram overlap (Jaccard coefficient)
- Context-sensitive search
- Document search and Rank Retrieval model
- Term Frequency, Weighted Term Frequency, Inverse Document Frequency
- TF-IDF Scoring
- Euclidian distance
- Cosine similarity
- Sentiment Classification with TF-IDF (IMDB dataset)
- Sentiment Classification with Hashing Vectorizer (IMDB dataset)
- Word Embeddings
Recurring Neural Networks
Section – IV (Recurrent Neural Networks for Text Analytics) – 15 hours
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks
- Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)
- Long short-term memory (LSTM)
- Autoencoders
- Time series (Stock price prediction), Language Generation (Sequence to Sequence model)